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Worship During This Time
9:00 a.m. - In-Person Worship on Sundays
The Office of Morning Prayer on first & third Sundays
Holy Eucharist on the second & fourth Sundays

9:00 a.m. every Sunday on Radio Station WRAQ 92.7 FM in Angelica
or access from anywhere at



Regional Parish trip to Cartwright's Maple Tree Inn.

Let's keep the community of our parish alive!

In addition to our worshipping together, 
we care for one another and others.

A further opportunity to stay in touch with each other and

to share what's happening with us go to Facebook Page: 
St. Paul's Angelica Coffee Hour Chat
Read the postings.  Include your own postings.  This is our time and place to chat with one another just as we do at Coffee Hour every Sunday.


Caring Connections: please contact us through our webpage to get on our Caring Connections greeting card list or on our prayer list.



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